THAO NGUYEN THI THU was born on August 9th, 1997. She is currently living with her parents in DinhQuan Sistrict Dongnai Province, Vietnam. Her father, Quang Nguyen Van (41 years old) is an unskilled labor and her mother Phien Nguyen Thi (44 years old) is a farmer. Thao is bearing Myasthenia gravis and used to have a liver surgery.
Thao has a 17 year-old sister who quit school some years ago to work and help parents earn income. The main income for family is from cashew. They have a debt with 12,000,000 VND (about USD $600). Thao’s mother was touched when EDF came to visit her family and appreciate for the scholarship support to her in the coming school year 2014.
Thao's mother told us that "
This year is a really difficult year for our family. Thao is going to secondary school and we have to bear more expenses. However, We will try our best to nourish our 2 children”.