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Chutikan's Story (Thailand)

My name is Chutikan. I am currently in grade seven and live in Amnat Charoen province. My family includes my grandfather, grandmother, mother, aunt and myself. My father and mother got separated when I was very young. My mother brought me to live with my grandparents.

I can recall when I was a little child that my grandparents could not buy snacks or something else I wanted because they did not have money. Instead, they would go out together to catch fish or find mushrooms and shrimps in the rice fields to cook meals. On some days, there was no food at home, we all would boil vegetables and eat them with lot pf chili peppers to feel full quickly.

Every day, Chutikan helps her grandfather and grandmother
with various household chores

These days, my 72-year-old grandfather’s hearing abilities are no longer good. He also has to frequently undergo physical therapy because he experiences shakes in his hands and feet. Additionally, he uses a walking stick for support.
Previously, my grandmother had regularly cooked food for me to sell by bicycling in the neighborhood and in the market to earn income, however, she had a stroke and is suffering from serious diabetes, making it impossible for her to work. Our situation has turned from very bad to seriously bad.

When my grandmother was hospitalized, I stayed with my 16-year-old sister and grandfather at home. My aunt and mother took turns looking after my grandmother at the hospital. As a result, my aunt and mother couldn't work for about two months, causing even more financial difficulties for our family.


If there is no food at home, she will cook vegetables and mix them
with plenty of chili to eat with rice so that everyone in the family
can feel full quickly
Every day, I help my grandfather and grandmother with household chores such as washing dishes and cooking. As for my studies, I have achieved a relatively good academic performance with an average grade of 3.79. I am dedicated to my studies and regularly submit my assignment to my teachers on time. I travel to school using the school's transportation service, costing 600 baht per month. I have to buy my own lunch at school as there is no free lunch provided for lower secondary students, costing around 25 baht per day.
In addition, she also enjoys participating in various school activities with her friends. Her favorite subjects are English and Science. “I often serve as a good advisor to my friends on various matters. My dream is to be a nurse because I want to help those who are sick, especially the ones I love. If possible, I wish for everyone in the country to have good health and be free from illnesses.

I wish to receive a scholarship to fulfill my dream, make my family proud and contribute to easing the burden on my family. The scholarship is crucial for my future. If I receive this scholarship, I would be able to continue my education until graduation and would get a good job to help improve our family's life. If I receive the scholarship, I would use it for school expenses, monthly transportation fees and buying lunch. Any remaining funds will be saved for my future education.

Featured Stories  | Tuesday 20th February 2024 | Viewed 1228