Featured Stories
Loy's Story (Laos)

LOY KHODSOUVAN, 13-year boy, from a disadvantage family in NONGBOK District, Khammuane Province, Laos. Both of his parents work as worker and farmer and completed only Primary School. Loy's parents were not able to continue their education because they had to quit schools to work and support their family at that time.

Loy has 3 older brothers who were also unable to complete their primary school because their parents could not finacially support their studies. His brothers dropped out school to be a daily low-pay worker and help earn income for the family.  It is a vicious cycle and Loy wants to break this cycle by applying for EDF scholarship support to fulfill his wish of furthering higher education. His dream is to, one day, become a police officer.

Everyday, Loy goes to work as a worker in the early morning before going to school  and get paid about 1,500 kip daily. Loy us now studying at Donkhyo Junior High school and believes that education can help change his future. 

Featured Stories  | Saturday 6th July 2013 | Viewed 8069